It's All about The Fanny!
There’s so many amazing things to look forward to in the next year! Butt; - let it be known that if you’re going to be looking backwards, we want your behind to look amazing. That’s why we created the Fanny Facial! Your spa clients will love this. So many women suffer with breakouts on their bum. Now you can offer them a solution!
The Science Of Bumpy Butt
Everyone knows about pimples on the buttocks! They are actually relatively common. Dirt and moisture get trapped by your clothing — add the friction that comes from sitting, tight clothes and hot climates, and you’ve got a recipe for breakouts. Technically, however, pimples on the buttocks aren’t considered acne; usually you’re experiencing one of two related conditions. Folliculitis is a surface inflammation of the hair follicles; cysts or boils, also known as nodulocystic acne, are deeper and larger bumps under the skin. Treatment options are similar to those for true acne, however another annoying skin disorder, called keratosis pilaris (KP) Keratosis pilaris is caused by keratin building up in your hair follicle, forming a plug of harden keratin.
Ok, now that you understand the ins and outs of what the “bumps on your butt” actually are –let’s talk about how we’re going to get rid of them. We created the Fanny Facial. This is a multiple step spa treatment that offers 2 very special products that we’ve created to treat breakouts on your bottom! They are incorporated into the treatment along with product from our Bikini Brite Collection.
2 Revolutionary Bumpy Butt Treatment Products
1. Bumpy Butt Blaster
Clinical strength topical spot treatment rapidly reduces the size and severity of body acne. Intense time releasing Benzoyl Peroxide, kills the P- Acnes bacteria on contact without irritating the surrounding skin. This product will not dry out surrounding skin, even though it is a maximum strength drying lotion . It has amazing anti-Inflammatory properties and will kill the P. Acne Bacteria. You can use it with the confidence that it will not strip natural skin oils. There is no-sting, because it is alcohol, & triclosan free. It will soothe the skin, minimize redness and itch, cool irritation, and eliminate chaffing.
2. Bumpy Butt Masque
This kaolin clay masque is designed to help calm, soothe and hydrate. Allow the mineral rich kaolin clay to exfoliate dirt and dead skin cells as well as absorb excess oils. The ultra hydrating hyaluronic acid in this masque will ensure that your skin is nourished and hydrated after the intense deep exfoliation and cleaning. There are many anti-Inflammatory ingredients in the mask to ensure your skin is calm. This masque will also kill the P. Acne Bacteria.
If you’d like to add the Fanny Facial to your spa’s treatment menu, we’d love to help you get everything you need. You can call us at 1-866-589-2949 to discuss the products that you’ll need for your back bar. We’ll also give you the Fanny Facial Protocol so you can perform the treatment.
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