Below are some common concerns and questions about skin care. Click on the question to learn more. Feel free to send in your questions via email to
Actually products that you would find in dept. stores are less effective than products that you would purchase from a physician. You may experience some changes on the surface, but to seriously address deeper concerns you need to use products that have higher percentages and more effective ingredients. Most products that you find in the department stores do not contain enough of the active ingredients to be effective for the intended purpose of skin rejuvenation.
Well formulated skin care products that consist of higher percentages of active ingredients.
Skin does not adapt to skincare products. Actually, it is the long-term use of well-formulated products that promises the best results.
Antioxidants help neutralize and prevent cellular destruction from free radical damage.
Here are just a few of the more popular antioxidants:
- Vitamin A, C, E
- Alpha Lipoic Acid
- Green Tea
- Co.Q10
- Zinc
- Grape Seed Extract
- Soy Iso Flavonids
"Free Radicals"
They contribute to photo-aging by causing oxidative stress to cells in all layers of the skin. They disrupt proper cell function and prevent proper cellular repairs.
Oxygen-free radicals are like invisible bandits that steal electrons from healthy cells and destroy every cell. Dying cells contribute to loss of elasticity, collagen, and overall skin damage.
They come from:
- UVA & UVB Exposure
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Pollution
- Diet

Making Vitamin C part of your everyday Regime!
Vitamin C has the ability to:
- Protect your skin from UVA & UVB damages.
- Protect your collagen and elastin
- Neutralize free radicals prior to causing damage
- Combining other antioxidants help stimulate collagen production
- Improve your skin's tone and texture.
- Improve pigmentation issues
- Increase elasticity.
- Reduce fine lines.
Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate has the following properties:
- Deeply penetration
- Synthesizes collagen
- Lipid Soluble and widely tolerated Vitamin C
- Inhibits melanogenesis and tyrosinase activity
- Prevention of cell damage
- Activates the fibroblasts
- Reduces the production of acne
We offer two exclusive Vitamin C products
Premature Aging
Vitamin A to help cellular turnover (Anti-Wrinkle Retinox), Vitamin B5 helps repair skin tissue, Vitamin C promote collagen deposition Alpha Lipoic Acid powerful antioxidant (Vita C B5 Complex), Hydroquinone helps lighten dark spots, Lactic Acid activates skin's water molecules and sloughs dead skin. (Even Tone).
Pre-mature aging refers to the unnatural aging process, such as excessive sun exposure and living an unhealthy lifestyle. These habits express the acceleration of our natural aging process. Unfortunately we haven't found away to reverse mother time. So grow old gracefully.
Unfortunately we can't put a hold on mother time, and aging is part of life. But premature aging refers to the unnatural acceleration of the natural aging process. Which means too much exposure to the sun and living an unhealthy lifestyle causes aging. Most importantly use sunscreen, eat healthy, and take a few minutes a day to pamper yourself.
First of all, don't assume that your grandmother will pass down her beautiful skin. You might be able to guarantee that you will receive your grandmother's wedding ring, but her skin is a different story we have determined today that 10% genetics and 90% is environmental. Today we expose ourselves to pollution, stress, and the conveniences of food. Not to mention stronger UV rays. Use Products that can reverse the signs of aging like, Anti-Wrinkle Retinox, Vitamin C B5 Complex, Even Tone, and Sport Shield.
Having younger, better-looking skin takes commitment and time. What you see as signs of changing skin has been allowed to happen. Treating, repairing, and protecting your skin should be part of your everyday habits.
Case Study
Aging is characterized by fine lines and wrinkles, thin and transparent skin, loss of underlying fat, the hollowing of the facial structure, and sagging skin due to bone deterioration and separation from the skin. In addition, cellular turnover declines by up to 50% between the ages of 20 and 70. In this time, the skin becomes rough in its appearance and the barrier function is impaired.
Many ingredients can assist in the slowing and repair of aging skin including Vitamins A and C, Peptides, Lactic Acid and Hyaluronic Acid. The following case study utilized ClearChoice® Products containing these key ingredients and a treatment plan focused on rapid repair.
HOME CARE: P.E.C, Matrix Repair Serum, Sport Shield, Vita CB-5, Anti-Wrinkle Retinox, & Iso Moisture
- 3 ClearChoice Peel treatments over 9 week period
- 1. 10% Lactic then 70% Lactic
- 2. 10% Lactic then 70% Lactic with Pure A, 2 minutes
- 3. ClearBalance then 70% Lactic with Pure A, 3 minutes
Acne is linked to over stimulated sebaceous glands, which produce sebum (oil). These glands are attached to the hair follicle. Acne occurs when excess sebum, skin cells from a hair follicle's lining, and skin proteins mix together. This causes blockage in the follicle so sebum cannot excrete freely to the surface of the skin. Clogged follicles create an ideal environment for common skin bacterium called Propionibacterium Acnes a.k.a.: P-acnes. This bacterium produces enzymes that irritate the skin's follicle causing pimples.
There has been so much confusion about determination what is acne. For instance these skin conditions are NOT:
Excoriation - habitual scratching, possibly healing with a scar, can penetrate to the dermis.
Pseudofolliculitis barbae - curly hair corkscrewing through the side of the hair follicle causing inflammation (ingrown hair).
Eczema - inflammation of the skin causing redness and scaling.
Rosacea - tiny micro-vessels i.e, capillaries, close to the surface of the skin become dilated, solid red inflammation without pus.
Acne is linked to over stimulated sebaceous glands, which produce sebum (oil). These glands are attached to the hair follicle. Acne occurs when excess sebum, skin proteins mix together. This causes blockage in the follicle so sebum cannot excrete freely to the surface of the skin. Clogged follicles create an ideal environment for common skin bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes a.k.a. P- acnes. This bacteria produces enzymes that irritate the skin's follicle causing "pimples". Acne is the most common skin condition in America. Approximately 85% of all teenagers and 20-30% of adults combat acne sometime in their life.
There is no cure for acne. Although, with basic management you can aim to control and prevent much of this condition. Start with daily cleansing. Using a mild gentle soapless cleanser (Gentle Foaming Cleanser) will enable your skin to wash those excess impurities without harsh stripping to the skin. The two most effective ingredients to combat acne are:
- Salicylic Acid - (Moisture Clear) prevents clogging in the follicles
- Benzoyl Peroxide - (BP.8%) an antibacterial agent that kills the P - acnes
- Antioxidants are important for acne prone skin - these are ingredients that help repair the skin and increase the skin's tolerance.
Over the last decade many physicians have emphasized their research on the leading cause of acne. They have determined that there are several key factors. The main factor was determined as the over production of Androgen hormones. These are abundant during the adolescent stages of life or puberty.
Physicians discovered that the exfoliation (shedding of dead cells) process occurs more frequently in younger skin. As we get older this process slow down, causing more blockage in the follicle. Other factors may contribute to acne such as:
- Some pore clogging make-up
- Hereditary
- Spreading bacteria i.e "picking" or "over scrubbing"
- Climate
- Exposing oneself to pollutants
- Stress
There is no formal documentation that certain foods can contribute to inflammation and irritation. Although, having a well balanced diet plays a important role in overall health of your body and your skin.
Believe it or not but acne effects 30% of adults. There are many contributing factors: stress, hereditary, and medication. Check out ClearChoice ® Acne Kit to get a complete regiment to control your breakouts.
Use Clear Balance, 2% Salicylic Acid toner pads; and Moisture Clear a gel moisturizer that contains 2% Salicylic Acid, this effective ingredient prevent blockage in the hair follicle. At night apply BP8% to kill unwanted bacteria--- this prevents the spreading of more acne. It is extremely important to use protection during the day. Using Sun Shield Plus an SPF 30 on a daily regime will help to heal acne lesions and give the sun protection you need.
Case Study
Acne affects 60 to 70% of individuals at some time during their lives. It is characterized by both non-inflammatory, open and closed comedones and inflammatory lesions including; papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. Common areas for acne are the face, upper chest and back. Approximately 85% of teenagers develop acne each year. However, it can also present in newborns still under the influence of maternal hormones as well as in adults. According to the Academy of Dermatology, 80% of adults aged 20-30 suffer from some form of acne. By age 45, 5% of both men and women will.
HOME CARE: Gentle Foaming Cleanser, Clear Balance Pads, Sun Shield Plus, BP 8%, and Elimaderm
- Initial treatment: 10% Lactic Acid and extractions
- Treatments 2 and 3: Acne Peel
- Treatment 4: Jessner Peel - 1 layer, removed and Medicated Acne Masque
- Treatment 5: Jessner Peel - 3 layers, follow up 7 days after; then one month break
- Treatment 6: Jessner Peel - 2 layers, follow up 7 days after
Rosacea is a skin disorder that affects 1 out of 20 people, mostly women. Rosacea is a progressive inflammatory disorder that can develop broken capillaries: facial swelling, acne, redness, blushing, burning & tightness. Unfortunately Rosacea cannot be cured but with the proper system, you can manage this puzzling disorder.
Dermastart, Inc. has demonstrated that when ClearChoice suggested products are applied to the skin it significantly reduces skin flare-ups burning, stinging and facial flushing.
Did you know...
Those patients that have rosacea should not use products that contain - Sodium Laureth Sulfate or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. This ingredient is a lathering agent in many cleansers, shampoos, toothpaste, etc. This actually aggravates rosacea, acne, sensitive skin types.
We suggest Rosacea Skin Care Systems:
* There is also an increasing number of Rx medications recommended by your Physician that can halt the progression of this disorder.
Sensitive skin is a genetically inherited skin condition; usually those that are fair skin and have a European background experience this challenge with their skin. Many sensitive skin types experience asthma and/or allergies, and many skin rashes.
On the other hand sensitize skin is the result of ones lifestyle-- stress, medication, hormonal changes, diet, and cosmetic allergies. Never ignore sensitize skin! Untreated, sensitized skin can lead to cellular breakdown and would result in pre-mature aging. A key step in your regiment is applying sun protection. Unfortunately sensitized skin is susceptible to UV damage and it is critical to wear sun protection everyday. Clearchoice Sport Shield and Vita C B5 Complex are designed for the ultra delicate skin.
First avoid all trigger factors. Then you need to begin a special regimen to help your skin recover. Cleansing with Hydrating Cleanser. Follow with Balance; an ultra healing aloe spray will calm irritated skin. Hydrating Masque plus Night Therapy provides the last step, creating an invisible layer of protection.